7 Ways to Overcome Procrastination in the Gym.

7 Ways to overcome procrastination in the gym

We are all pressed for time these days. Life, social media, & work, keep us busy at every moment. It may be hard to find time to work out but it’s all about MAKING TIME TO WORKOUT.

I’m an early riser so I go to the gym in the morning. It’s usually not packed so I can get in and out quickly.

Don’t spend more time then you have to at the gym.

  1. Make working out a habit.

Less thought makes it easier to get to the gym.

  1. Write down your workouts.

It wastes time going into the gym without a plan. What if the machine you want is busy? You can jump ahead and come back when needed.

  1. Put your phone on airplane mode.

I know, I know. This will be hard to do. You just have to know what is  going on in the world at all times. Working out is your time. You can easily waste  15 minutes texting and scrolling through social media.

  1. Pack your gym bag the night before.

Things happen. If you pack before hand you will be ready to go.

  1. Don’t take long rest breaks.

Taking rest is key to a good recovery but long rest just keeps you in the gym longer. If your not working hard you don’t need much rest.

  1. Take a group fitness class.

Most people are in the gym for about 45-60minutes. Taking a class will keep you within the time frame. Plus, you don’t have to think about the workout.

  1. Stay Focused.

You are in the gym to workout. Concentrate on your reps and make the most out of the session.


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